Today’s edition of the Nigerian Army Resource Centre (NARC) Weekly Subject Experts’ Presentation was held at Hall C, TY Buratai Block NARC, Abuja. There were three presentations made by the Subject Experts covering Southern Africa, North America and South East Asia.
The first presentation was delivered by Maj Gen KI Mukhtar Subject Expert for Southern Africa. He focused on a report about the Angolan government defending the sustainable and competitive fishing. He said according to the report, Angolan fisheries and aquaculture subsector provide significant employment. It is estimated that about 150.000 people earn their livelihood from fisheries in Angola.
In his analysis and lessons for Nigeria, he noted that fishery is an important economic sector in terms of employment, food security and foreign exchange earnings. He also added that, fishery contributes in the area of livelihood of many rural communities. Gen Mukhtar therefore, suggested that there is need for government to increase the production of fishery in Nigeria. He further recommended that state and local governments should provide infrastructure to encourage fish farming.
The second presentation was made by Brig Gen AA Adanogu, Subject Expert for North America. The senior officer’s presentation dwelled on the report of the US 2020 census Data. He noted that, the US used the new census data to determine legislative and congregational districts and the electoral college votes that come with them. He said that, It also helps the policy makers to distributes the yearly federal funding among states and local governments.
In his analysis and lesson for Nigeria, General Adanogu noted that a near accurate census will compliment ongoing government efforts in ensuring that Nigerians have a national means of identity. He added that, It will also aids efficiency in socio-political-economic planning that could facilitate effective tackling of issues like unemployment and issues of national security.
The final presentation was made by Brig Gen SN Eze subject expert for the South East Asia. He focused on a report about the US effort to help Thailand develop small Nuclear reactors for fighting climate change. He said, the US promised to help Thailand develop nuclear power through a new class of small reactors as part of a programme aimed at fighting the climates change.
General Eze, in his lessons and analysis to Nigeria, noted that, Thailand and Nigeria are fraught with energy difficulties, and compliance with greenhouse gas emissions to prevent adverse effects of climate change is difficult. He said Nigeria would not be able to acquired nuclear reactors to promote clean energy due to lack of expertise and damaged external image, as well as their unwillingness to transfer nuclear technology. Hence, the need to adopt our ingenious ETP. He therefore, recommended that FGN need to create an enabling environment to attract foreign partners as well as assess to developed nations funds in the pool for energy transition amongst others.
Present at the briefing was the Director General, ED Consult, Director of Research, Senior Research Fellows, Research Fellows, Consultants and other staff of the Centre.